3 Traits of Character-Based Leadership
Character Based Leadership is the conscious choice to be an Ambassador – To place the greater good, the purpose of the organization and the needs of others above your own desires.
In families, organizations, and indeed even our society, one of the reasons for failure is the inability by leadership to establish and enforce accountability. Accountability in leadership is a topic that is not frequently discussed and the result is often relating to compliance to procedures, following work rules, treating customers with respect, achieving results, and getting along with co-workers. Accountability is at the heart of empowering people to perform well, demonstrating initiative, and acting responsibly. When a climate of accountability exists, things work smoothly; and when it is absent procedures fail and policies are ignored.
The leader should act in a way that he should be respected by his/her followers and vice-versa. None of us work or live in a vacuum; our successes or failures are all built on the strength of our relationships. And relationships run on respect. To be true to the root of respect, one has to continuously look at one’s self with openness and understanding. The point is to examine the way we treat ourselves first, and then how we treat others.
Most of us want to be listened to with understanding, treated with courtesy, and recognized for our contributions. Do we do that with ourselves? Then, how much do we do this with others in every interaction? Again, this value can be deceptively oversimplified. I will challenge us on how true we are to this value.
Abundance: Abundant people do not have to take anything away from anyone else to be successful. It is literally fun to work with people who are abundance-focused. They may be competitive but rather than merely to beat someone, the essence of their drive is to advance something.
By Rebecca Barnett - The responsibility for organizational integrity must start with the organization's framework and end with individual accountability. Federal regulations and organizational ethics statements act as the white lines on either side of the road; giving us freedom to drive fast within the boundaries.
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