Virtues of A Great Leader
A great personality once said, “A leader is a dealer in hope.” This great personality is probably one of the greatest leaders history has ever witnessed. He is Napoleon Bonaparte. His words reflect the plight of corporate management of today as they go about in their pursuit of that quintessential leader who they hope can lead the organization to success and glory, reports Stephanie Lischke and Joel Wright of Forbes.
It is not necessary for someone who has done wonders for the company can turn out to be an efficient in leading as he might have the abilities to excel in his field of expertise but leading is a genre that demands a whole new set of skill set that might be found wanting.
As such, it is advisable not to make hasty decisions, consequences to which might affect the company as a whole. Rather it would be wiser to look for young, enthusiastic professionals and experienced individual contributors who do have the requisite skills and are willing to take the plunge provided a suitable platform is created from where they could ponder upon about their plunge. Unfortunately, they are overshadowed by their complex work regimes.
As such, it is up to the management to spot such potential skills and not only mould them but also guide them in their quest attaining the desired pedestal.
Below are some of the traits an individual needs to inculcate in order to disembark on their journey on becoming a leader worth following –
Earning the Title: It is imperative to have a clear picture of the responsibilities one needs to undertake in the face of the new role. Just basking in the glory is futile. Leading the way should be the attitude. Effective leadership qualities can be harnessed from the moment one has started working under a leader.
Introspect: One should reflect on his own traits and try to mould them in accordance with leadership attributes. Creating a confident persona goes a long way in order to earn the loyalty and respect of your subordinates. Facilitating an environment void of tension enables subordinates to speak their mind which spawns innovative ideas.
Take the Wheel: Be accountable to what you are expected of. Undertaking responsibilities is as much important as delegating duties. One should have the image of being under control, no matter how tough a situation has become. This incorporates confidence in the subordinates too.
Be Effective, be Visible: Make a tangible assessment of the tasks at hand. Make yourself seen and heard in order to establish a formidable channel of communication where you are valued as well.
These are the few characteristics one has to indulge in after assuming the role of a leader. ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici’ should be the motto!
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