Google Inc Chief Executive Larry Page has spent the last year trying to bring a renewed sense of urgency and focus to the search company, in what he calls putting "more wood behind fewer ar...
Geoff Smart for Harvard Business Review Blog Network says if you are a business leader at the very top of your game, it will help you avoid career stagnation. And it will also contribute to solv...
Bangalore: Blame the technological advances or social media facets of technology, but leadership is changing. Some says it’s the generation and the change in expectations of leaders that b...
Bangalore: Leadership is not all about having and articulating a vision, passionately owing it and driving it into completion. It is also about communicating one’s thou...
Bangalore: One of the pains of dealing with a much larger company is that sinking feeling of being in a one sided relationship, and how replaceable and vulnerable the smaller...
Bangalore: If you want to hinge on success in a business, all you require is to stay current or the risk of falling behind is always there. Self education is very important a...
Bangalore: A good lead can always help you to build up a successful enterprise. In a country like India, though rich with human resources, people who have excelled playing the lead roles in various industries are considerably less in number. The companie...
Bangalore: We have entered the second decade of the 21st century and have witnessed the rise and fall of several bad guys like Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic. But what we ...
Bangalore: Everyone wish to lead the crowd, but few step ahead. Leaders often gain attention of others with their personality, authority and the way they direct others. While managers are addres...
Google, the search engine giant’s two year old program GoogleEDU is one of its kind in leadership training. The learning and leadership development program offered by GoogleEDU aims ...